The first homes are now on sale, and with immediate occupancy!
416.897.5480 direct
花园 套房
"Although the original layout included an extra room upstairs, we decided against it, resulting in a truly magnificent, special master bedroom."
SUMMARY Located at the West side of the building this lovely home is nestled at the corner of the garden, with its dedicated entrance and windows on the south, it not only benefits from the southern sun, but also has five windows to the west. It has an walk-in closet in the king master bedroom, en suite bathroom with two sinks, and a custom shower-bath, as well as a small semi-private patio out front. Although, likely possible to have squeezed a small den on the second floor, the design team chose to make the entire floor the master bedroom. This allows the king-size bed to fit comfortably at the south side for maximum view of the trees out front, as well as room for a chez lounge in the corner. It is an unusually spacious one-bedroom unit, perfect for a single or a couple. THE DESIGN PERSPECTIVE "We love the open space, the abundance of light, and the unique character of this corner home, with its south and west exposures. Although the original layout included an extra room upstairs, we decided against it, resulting in a master bedroom that feels spacious and comfortable. This also allowed us to create an exceptional en-suite bathroom and an L-shaped closet that behaves like a walk-in. Additionally, it opens up space for a cozy reading nook between the two corner windows and a chez lounge. The main floor benefits from the same design logic, connecting the home well with the garden and small patio. This functional yet beautiful home will truly feel like a city oasis." - The Design Team
位于建筑西侧,南侧设有专用入口,不仅能享受到南方的阳光,而且还有两扇朝西的窗户。特大号主卧室设有 L 形双衣柜、带两个水槽的连接浴室、定制淋浴浴缸以及前面的小型半私人露台。
浴室 1.5
卧室 1
组合雨淋 |浴缸